Create pdf documents from liquid templates.

This library uses LiquidJS, Symbology, Bz-Date, btrz-formatter and link them together while adding some helpers to easily generate PDFs from templates.

The vesion of PDFMake has been inlined and modified to allow for text rotation.


npm i btrz-liquid-templates


The documents generated only uses Helvetica fonts.


Async method that returns a string.


name definition
liquidTemplate object representing a document with valid liquidSyntax
data Object with data needed by the liquid template

Async method that returns a string and underastands ESCP language


name definition
liquidTemplate object representing an ESCP string with valid liquidSyntax
data Object with data needed by the liquid template

Async method that returns an object (the template should be an strinfiable object)


name definition
liquidTemplate object representing an object document with valid liquidSyntax
data Object with data needed by the liquid template


  const tpl = require("btrz-liquid-templates");

  //Returns a string from the template and the data
  async getLiquid(req, res) {
    try {
      const document = await tpl.processToString(template, data);
    } catch (err) {
  const tpl = require("btrz-liquid-templates");

  //Returns an object from the template and the data
  async getLiquid(req, res) {
    try {
      const document = await tpl.processToObj(template, data);
    } catch (err) {
  const tpl = require("btrz-liquid-templates");

  //Returns an ESCP string from the template and the data
  async getLiquid(req, res) {
    try {
      const document = await tpl.processToEscp(template, data);
    } catch (err) {

Custom tags

ESCP language for Epson printers

Initialize the printer Set printer to ESC/P mode and clear memory buffer.

 {% escInitQzTray %} 

Start bold font.

 {% escBold %} 

Ends bold font.

 {% escCancelBold %} 

Starts selected font

 {% fontSelection %} 

Small condensed fonts

 {% escCondensed %} 

Line spacing to 1/6 of an inch

 {% lineSpacing %} 

Line spacing to 1/9 of an inch

 {% lineSpacing2 %} 

New line

 {% escNewLine %} 

Paper cut

 {% escCut %} 

Form feed (eject paper)

 {% escEject %} 

Move to next horizontal tab

 {% escTab %} 

Set absolute horizontal print position

reference ESC $ command

 {% escHPos pos %} 


name range required default
pos 0 <= pos <= 65535 Y 0


This command sets the absolute horizontal print position (in dots) for the next data that will be printed. It tells the printer exactly how many dots from the left margin to move the print head.


The measurement is in dots. For example, if the printer is configured such that 1 dot equals 1/60 inch, then setting pos to 360 would move the print head to approximately 360 dots, which could correspond to about 60 characters (if one character is roughly 6 dots wide).


Suppose you want to set the horizontal position to 360 dots

Usage in Template

{% escHPos 360 %}

This will move the print head so that the next printed data starts at 360 dots from the left margin.

Images, barcodes and QR codes

Generates a barcode based on some data


name definition required default
data The string to use to generate the barcode, it can be hardcoded or some of the ‘data’ given to the template Y  
type The barcode type N code128
height The barcode height N 30
width The barcode width N 200
margin A list of 4 values for the margin N 0,0,0,0

It will use the value of ticket.code to generate the barcode with all the defaults

 {% barcode ticket.code %} 

It will use the value given and use generate a ‘code11’ barcode with a height of 50 and a width of 300

 {% barcode 1234 code11 50 300 20,20,20,0 %}  

Supported types

It supports all types supported by While symbology supports QRCODE PDFMake also had support for QR natively and we recommend it.

Given a URL for an image will encode into base64 and return in a consumable way for makePDF, only supports png and jpeg


name definition required default The property should have a fully qualified URL to an image Y  
 {%- httpImg brand.logos.default -%}  // ...

Supported filters

Returns the proper str to transform into a QR code to be able to scan items with the drivers app

 {%- qrstr reservation -%}  //"https:///r/t/"
 {%- qrstr ticket -%}  //"https:///r/t/"


name definition required default
type The type of object we will be generating the string for the qrcode N ticket

Valid types

reservation, ticket, paid_in, parcel, flexpass, ssr, redeemableItem

Date and Time

Returns a date formatted by the given format from a property of an object given to the liquid template data.

 {%- dateTime ticket createdAt -%}  //"12/21/2021 11:38 AM"
 {%- dateTime ticket createdAt mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM:ss -%}  //"12/21/2021 11:38:00"


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item (it should be a BzDate object) N createdAt
format A format object N providerPreferences defaults (see prereqs)


There are some prerequisites to use any of the Date helpers. The data given to the liquid template requires the following object to be present

  "providerPreferences": {
    "preferences": {
      "dateFormat": "mm/dd/yyyy", //any date format string will do
      "timeFormat": "h:MM TT", //any time format string will do
      "timeZone": {
        "name": "(UTC-5:00) New York (United States), Toronto (Canada)",
        "daylight": true,
        "tz": "America/Toronto"
      } //any timezone as defined in BzDate will do

Convenience method that will default format to providerPreferenes.preferences.dateFormat


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item (it should be a BzDate object) N createdAt
applyTimeZone If you want to adjust the date with the account timeZone N true
 {%- dateF ticket createdAt -%}  //"12/21/2021"

Convenience method that will default format to providerPreferenes.preferences.timeFormat


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item (it should be a BzDate object or a time string) N createdAt
applyTimeZone If you want to adjust the date with the account timeZone N true
 {%- timeF ticket createdAt -%}  //"11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the expiration date for a reservation


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
format A format object N providerPreferences defaults (see prereqs)
 {%- expDate reservation -%}  //"12/21/2021 11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the arrival date for a reservation and will apply the arrival station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- arrivalDate reservation -%}  //"12/21/2021"

Convenience method that will calculate the departure date for a reservation and will apply the departure station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- departureDate reservation -%}  //"12/21/2021"

Convenience method that will calculate the arrival time for a reservation and will apply the arrival station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- arrivalTime reservation -%}  //"11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the departure time for a reservation and will apply the departure station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- departureTime reservation -%}  //"11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the arrival date for a reservation and will apply the arrival station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- arrivalDateTime reservation -%}  //"12/21/2021 11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the departure date for a reservation and will apply the departure station timeZone if available


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- departureDateTime reservation -%}  //"12/21/2021 11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the arrival date for a reservation and will apply the arrival station timeZone if available. It will format the date using the humanDate property given to the template. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’, default to ‘mm’.


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- humanArrivalDate reservation -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021"

Convenience method that will calculate the departure date for a reservation and will apply the departure station timeZone if available. It will format the date using the humanDate property given to the template. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’, default to ‘mm’.


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- humanDepartureDate reservation -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021"

Convenience method that will calculate the arrival date for a reservation and will apply the arrival station timeZone if available. It will format the date using the humanDate property given to the template. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’, default to ‘mm’.


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- humanArrivalDateTime reservation -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will calculate the departure date for a reservation and will apply the departure station timeZone if available. It will format the date using the humanDate property given to the template. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’, default to ‘mm’.


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- humanDepartureDateTime reservation -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:38 AM"

Convenience method that will default format based on the humanDate property given to the template as part of the data object. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’

(humanDate === "mm") ? "ddd mmm dd, yyyy" : "ddd dd mmm, yyyy"


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item (it should be a BzDate object) N createdAt
applyTimeZone If you want to adjust the date with the account timeZone N true
 {%- humanDate ticket createdAt -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021"

Convenience method that will default format based on the humanDate property given to the template as part of the data object. humanDate can be either ‘mm’ or ‘dd’ plus the providerPreferenes.preferences.timeFormat

(humanDate === "mm") ? "ddd mmm dd, yyyy" : "ddd dd mmm, yyyy"


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item (it should be a BzDate object) N createdAt
applyTimeZone If you want to adjust the date with the account timeZone N true
 {%- humanDateTime ticket createdAt -%}  //"Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:38 AM"

Lines, HTML, Lexicons and text

Given an Object converts it to an array of keys.

For this object:

  "prop1": "value1",
  "prop2": "value2"

You can iterate over the object keys

{%- assign objectKeys = brand.logos.default -%} 
{%- for aKey in objectKeys -%} 
  Key number {%forloop.index%} : {{aKey}}
{%- endfor -%} 

//"Key number 1: prop1"
//"Key number 2: prop2"

This tag will parse “some” HTML code and try to generate compatible PDFmake text objects.


name definition required default
property this will be “evaluated” from the data provided to the liquid template Y  
 {% h ticket.lexiconKeys.terms %}  //If will get the string in the property and parse it

Supported html tags

h1 - will generate a text node with “style”: “header” h2 - will generate a text node with “style”: “subheader” h3 - will generate a text node with “style”: “innerheader” b - will generate a text node with “bold”: true i - will generate a text node with “italics’”: true

This tag generates an horizontal line


name definition required default
width the width of the line N 500
weight the weight of the line N 1
rgb the colour of the line, either a rgb or hex value or read from a data property as hex N 0,0,0
 {%- hline 475 2 255,112,0 - %}  //Generates an svg line with the width, weight and colour given
 {%- hline 475 2 providerPreferences.preferences.colors.brandBackground - %}  //Generates an svg line with the width, weight and colour given
  "svg": "<svg height='2' width='100'><line x1='0' y1='0' x2='1000' y2='0' style='stroke:rgb(255,112,0);stroke-width:2' /></svg>",
  "width": 475

Returns a translation based on a key, it can use a string or variables from the data given to the liquid template


There are some prerequisites to use the t tag. The data given to the liquid template requires a localizer object with a .get(key) method that can return the translation. The implementation is up to you.


name definition required default
property the key for the lexicon Y  
 {% t 'issued' %}  //Will return the value on the lexicon with the 'issued' key
 {% t fare.lexiconKeys.description %}  //Will return the value on the lexicon with the key stored in the `data.fare.lexiconKeys.description` property

Split lines or hardcoded text that may include carriage returns


name definition required default
liquid expression A liquid expression that will be evaluated and each line will be converted on a text node Y  
style A style defined in the document to apply to the resulted text nodes N  
" {% txt operatingCompany.infoOnPrintedTicket small %} " //Given that is 2800000 returns "28.00"

Money and currency

Returns a money value


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
propName The name of the property of the item N total
" {%- money ticket total -%} " //Given that is 2800000 returns "28.00"

Adds the values of a property in objects in a collection and returns the total as a money value


name definition required default
item.propName An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket.taxes
innerPropName The name of the property in the objects in the collection N calculated
" {%- moneyReduce ticket.fees subTotal -%} "

Returns the currency name based on the displayCurrency of the item provided and the account configuration. If the item provided is a currency, it will just use that currency,


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- curcyName ticket -%} ",

Returns the currency symbol based on the currency used to paid the item or the default currency given in the providerPreferences.preferences.supportedCurrencies[0]


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- curcySymbol ticket -%} ",

Returns the currency ISO code based on the currency used to paid the item or the default currency given in the providerPreferences.preferences.supportedCurrencies[0]


name definition required default
item An object in the data given to the liquid template N ticket
 {%- curcyIso ticket -%} 

Returns the amount in letters given in the property (amount should follow US notation, uses “.” for cents). It can translate values using the lang and localizer


name definition required default
stringAmount A string with the amount Y  
 {%- toLetters '100.50' -%}  // One hundred with fifty cents
 {%- toLetters '123' -%}  // One hundred and twenty three